Price System Emoluments

From Cibernética Americana
Revision as of 16:06, 11 May 2018 by Root (talk | contribs)

      I only edit the public wikis as a Free Citoyen Some elements on this page are cost priced, a few are zero priced.

Price System Emoluments

.dom TLD authentication and peering

The AKPERSON SKU (cf. Rate Chart), creates a fin person as a
capitation fee, providing identified access to my domains, active
provisioning via my DNS/EPP setup.



C-六 = ∫ drupal7-8 ∂ DS. Source access by fin persons is free. No time for the d.o hoops or would post there.

Green Travel Calculator

General mobile app¹ which was originally $1 on Market
but v2 (2017) on Play/Apple store and later free, title links sources.

¹ Generalized from app developed c. 2011-03 for One Penny Per Mile.

Micro Priced

The following are IMU denominated at low priced or millage,
< 1工 per diem capitation, or one time service charge.


tl:dr[AK] app suite as apps on AppStore/Google are low cost or free with in-app purchased higher service levels.

WIK-CSO Documentation

Go There (then right click and Zoom-In). Flash versions in the wild are frozen to state before SSO was enabled,
Current HTML5 versions are within the authentication perimeter.

     See also public gitHub account.
     NB: Users id by Google, LinkedIn, or capitation (a token transaction). In general "Free" I doesn't mean zero price (cf. Rate Chart and jobbing response card).