
From Cibernética Americana
Revision as of 05:08, 28 March 2019 by Root (talk | contribs)

The material at my User Page is a slice of thinking about how to renew American Society. Ofc I don't expect anything to come of these thoughts, they are fairly far removed from even the most ambitious things actually possible in American Culture, which unfortunately is mired in an enforced and inescapable culture of mediocrity which actually seems to decline further into stupidity and backwardness as the friction between progress and recidivism becomes more and more heated. A big part of this I think is that the supposed left, isn't really much of a left at all. I think the guardians of the existing order understand this and for this reason are largely unconcerned about actual revolutionary change such as occurred in Russia or France, assured that the most that is likely to be produced in America is an Obama or a Trump which will be sold as revolutions and accepted as such by the consuming masses.

The replacement of the POTUS with the living will of the people is meant in the scheme I spin with the caveat above to be a first step in a complete overhaul of the state framework but gradually and conservatively with transformation of the existing institutions piece by piece. The successive steps would be pursued only upon the successful completion of the first ones.

After the replacement of the elected king with an actual embodiment of the electorate, the next transformation would be the Congress and of course finally the Judiciary.

First the Senate would be replaced with a body of subject matter experts, perhaps on the model of tenured academics and of course with a selection process based on merit/peer review rather than popularity.

Then the House of Representatives would be reformed to be a body of actual citizen representatives, more like what it originally was before a permanent professional political class took over.

Finally and at some distance due to the technical challenges, the Judiciary would be replaced by automation, subsequent to a general reform of the body of law and delivery of legislation to make same possible.

A resolution of the culture wars by a redivision of states into a larger and more diverse unions with blocks carrying the currently contending factions into a more harmonious and efficient union as part of the denouement of globalization with the Ancient central unions of Europe, China and India in leading roles and with a total number of on the order of 10 or fewer such but with increased local autonomy combined with efficiencies/possiblities that come only with a global scale of management, as has already been partially effected by late capitalism.

There are more and pointed things to be said about nationalism, populism, race, and the transformation of the human material but they are even further removed from anything possible in my animal lifetime so leaving them unsaid here, already done in bits elsewhere.