Price System Emoluments

From Cibernética Americana
Revision as of 00:01, 5 August 2011 by Root (talk | contribs)

Free Goods and Services Access


C-六 = ∫   Drupal + Magento + CodeIgniter + other PHP ∂ FLOW3.
DACLIPS = ∫ boost + xmlrpc + minor C++ pkgs ∂ CLIPS ∂ my original
data acq. code¹. C六book ISOs at sourceforge 2011 US Labor day and ff.

¹ Developed in 2010 for UTHSCA Contract 129665. NixOS pkgs + official nix packages repos

WFL/DCP exposes the current trunk nix packages via the SPO together
with those derivations I maintain.

WFL/DCP SPO Cliubook

WFL/DCP cluster/node controller, the Gnu partition editor, and support for Debian
and Fedora as Xen domains. Stable ISO images at Sourceforge annually starting
2011Q4, current images by subscription).

WIK-CSO Documentation

Go There (and right click and Zoom-In)