Oldest Person Ever

From Cibernética Americana
Revision as of 16:52, 11 August 2018 by Root (talk | contribs)

This was originally Maria Olivia da Silva but stubbing that out, there are actually multiple modern claimants for having exceeded Calment.

The main thing is that since the first homo sapiens you are likely correct in arguing there has been a person that reached about 130 and almost certainly correct that someone has lived longer than Calment.

People that are centenarians today were born before 1920 and before lifespan really started increasing.

By the 60s of this century we should see Calment's record regularly broken and if then the 130 as well then that will confirm above, unless it's the result of technology that couldn't have happened naturally.

It's kind of absurd that a circus outfit like en:Guinness is taken as authoritative over the gerontological institutions as well as the fact that the latter can't do a better job with the known cases like Da Silva and the other woman. When you think about what Calment was like, you ought to expect someone could have done even better.